Innovation Pathways: Evaluation of Technical Assistance, 2019-2022

Over the past three years, the Center for Collaborative Education (CCE) has had the privilege to support the Massachusetts Innovation Pathways initiative by providing technical assistance to educators and working closely with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) as thought partners. Over this time, CCE has supported the development of the Innovation Pathways Community of Practice, forging relationships with school and district leaders who are designing and implementing pathway programs, while facilitating structures for educators and industry partners to collaborate and learn from one another. Through the provided technical assistance, CCE has developed an acute awareness of the assets and challenges of Innovation Pathways program design and implementation, as well as a deep understanding of the robust pathway options and opportunities across the Commonwealth. As a result, over the past three years, CCE has successfully supported the implementation of pathways at over 40 schools, each responsive to their unique context.

This report provides an overview of the technical assistance provided by CCE, shares how CCE adapted the technical assistance to a shifting context, responded to emergent needs, and ultimately how educators across the state were extremely satisfied with the quality of the technical assistance and professional learning provided over the past three years.


Cali Cornell

Michael Berardino


Allison Plesz

Eve Goldberg

Jennifer Gwatkin

Andresse St. Rose

Diana Lebeaux

Laura Tota